Grace Bible Youth

We have an amazing thriving youth group and youth program. The emphasis at our church is that our youth are a part of the church TODAY, and we believe it is our privilege to equip them to be the leaders of TOMORROW! We meet weekly on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7:30 pm for some fun time of fellowship and activities and conclude our times with some in depth study of God's Word! At least once a month we get together at Pastor Jed and Lisa's home for Youth Coffee House. We also meet in a small Sunday study group Sunday mornings at 10:30a.m. in the youth room. (6th-12th) 

Coming Up...

Youth 6th-12th grades are invited to come join us for this year's Youth Super Bowl Party. Come at 4:30p.m. with a snack and ready to watch the game. See you there!

Coffee House

Each month the youth get together and enjoy a great time of fellowship, campfire, smores, and games at Pastor Jed & Lisa's home. 

Daily Devotions

Click Here to engage in God's Word!

Pastor Jed

He and his wife Lisa have been working with youth for over 25 years. They are passionate about seeing our young people grow in God's Word and live life passionately for Him! CONTACT...

Child Safety

We want to assure you as a parent or guardian that your child's safety is a priority for our church family. All our volunteers go through a background check, and monitoring, get trained, and maintain a proper understanding of our policies in order to keep your child safe. If you desire to help or volunteer with our children's ministry please understand you will need to complete this process first. All of us working together helps make this a wonderful safe place for our children to learn about Jesus and His Word!