The Gift of Christmas

Merry Christmas!

What a better gift to receive than one that is paid in full, freely given, and available to ALL who will receive the gift! That is exactly why we celebrate Jesus Christ born. He gave Himself as a gift, coming to mankind, in order to pay for your salvation. 

Our prayer is that you will consider this free gift. It is the ONLY gift we ALL NEED. Consider the words of Ephesians 2:8-9 below. May this Christmas be blessed as you realize how much God cares for you, loves you (John 3:16). He gave His Son Jesus Christ, for all who would receive Him. 

From our church family we want to wish you a Merry Christmas as we celebrate Emmanuel... God with us! Join us as we celebrate!


December 22nd 9:00am (Christmas Sunday Service)
December 24th 5:00pm (Christmas Eve Candlelight Service)

The Good News of Salvation

"I grew up thinking good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell,
but the truth is God requires a person to be not just good, but totally perfect."

-Dick Seymour-







Why such a strict standard? The answer is found in God's character. Because God is totally perfect, He requires the same thing from us. The Bible calls the wrong things people do sin, and He cannot tolerate even a little bit of it in His presence. Since we have all done things wrong we miss God's standard of perfection and must be eternally separated from God. The Bible calls this separation death, and without God's intervention there would be no hope for any of us.

Although He has stringent rules regarding sin, God also loves people very, very much. So He created a way for us to be with Him even though we have a sin problem. Instead of condemning each individual person to eternal separation, God offered his own Son, Jesus, on the cross for the sins of everyone. Jesus lived a sinless life, He died a painful physical death, and was then separated from God for three days. On the third day He came back to life as a demonstration of His power over sin and death.

Because the consequence of sin has been satisfied by Jesus, God now offers eternal life in heaven to everyone as a free gift given to those who believe in Him. To put it another way: we simply have to trust that God will follow through on His commitment to provide eternal life. Because salvation is God's gift to us, He does not take our good deeds or personal merit into consideration.

Have you received God's gift of salvation? You can do it right now by trusting in the work of Jesus and believing that God will do what He promised: give you eternal life. There is no need for flowery language or religious fanfare, and you will likely not hear bells ring or angels sing — but if you have trusted Jesus for salvation you can be confident of your eternal destiny.

I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God,
so that you may know you have eternal life 1 John 5:13

This message is simple to understand & receive. If you would like to speak with someone further about how you can KNOW where you will spend eternity, please let us know & someone will contact you. 


A simple explanation of the Gospel laid out in clarity and illustrated.