Operation Christmas Child

Pack A Shoebox!

**Need Shipping Help!!

We are in need of extra shipping help this year. The $10 for each box pays for collection costs, processing, training local churches, Greatest Gift gospel booklets, and shipping to over 100 countries.  Write OCC on the memo line of your check, or put cash in an envelope (some available at the welcome center)  with OCC and your name on the front.


Anyone can help spread the gospel to the whole world.  Without leaving home!  How?  Pack or help send an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  Children around the world are invited to an event/party.  There, they play some games, eat a snack, have the Greatest Gift presentation of the gospel, then SURPRISE! , they get a gift of a shoebox.  The box also contains the Greatest Gift booklet so they can share the story with their family and others.  Here are ways to help spread the gospel.

1. Pack a shoebox.  We will be handing out free boxes with instructions and suggested items starting in October.

2. Donate items for the Pack and Pray party.  Our goal this year is 100 boxes.  All are invited to participate in this event.  The date will be announced soon.

3. Adopt a box by donating to help pay shipping.  The $10 for each box pays for collection costs, processing, training local churches, Greatest Gift gospel booklets, and shipping to over 100 countries.  Write OCC on the memo line of your check, or put cash in an envelope with OCC and your name on the front.

4. Pack a shoebox online for $25 (includes shipping).  These boxes go to “hard to reach” countries.


5. Pray that God will send each box to the child who needs it.  There are amazing stories of children receiving a box that had a particular item they wanted or needed.  It convinced them that God loves them.

Christmas is a time of giving.  Let’s give the Greatest Gift of all, the gospel that tells children how much God loves them.

Questions?:  Call Sherri 801-360-7215

Shoebox Journey
