Ladies Ministry

Gather Together

God has designed us not only to have relationship with Him, but with one another. Our ladies' ministry at Grace is grass roots with all ladies provided the opportunity to get creatively involved, love others, and grow in Christ as we follow Him by loving and serving one another.

Ladies' Study & Fellowship

It's important for us to gather together as sisters in Christ and get into the Word together. See below for information on our current dinner & study, meeting every other Tuesday at 6:30p.m. All ladies are invited to attend!  We would love to have you come and just listen if you'd rather participate this way. Feel free to reach out to Carie with questions (303-601-6908).

Caring, Loving, Serving

Whether it's hosting or attending a bridal or baby shower, cooking a meal for someone in their  time of need, learning new skills, or just having fun together, our Ladies at Grace are encouraged to  love and serve one another, our church family, and the broader community in a variety of ways.

Have an Idea?

Is there something you would like to see happen in our ladies' ministry? Contact the office at. 285-9862 and we'll be happy to help.

What's Happening

Lunch & Make

Join us for our "dish carrier" lunch and make on Sunday, September 29th at 11:30a.m. We'll share a potluck lunch and then begin our project. See the welcome center for materials needed or see Lauri (she has LOTS of things she can share!) 970-270-4438

New  Study Coming

A new study is coming to our Ladies' Dinner & study on Oct. 1st We'll be meeting every other Tuesday at 6:30p.m.  See Carie if you'd like her to order your book or with questions: 303-601-6908. (You may get your own book at Amazon or Christian Book Distributors, if you'd like.)

Meal Train

Help us express love to one another at Grace. If you are having or know of someone at Grace who is going through a stressful time: new baby, surgery, loss of a loved one, etc. let us know! (285-9862) Also, consider joining meal train to make a MEAL for someone in their time of need.

Secret Sisters 2024

If you have any questions or need help with information about your secret sister, see Carie 303-601-6908.